Is Hybrid Publishing The Same As Vanity Publishing – What Is The Difference?

Hybrid Publishing

If you want to publish your novel but are having a hard time deciding which publishing route to choose because you simply do not know the difference between hybrid publishing as well as vanity publishing, then you have come to the right place.

It is said that it is quite challenging to figure out the difference between the two as they both are quite alike. But worry not; in this article, I will be providing you with a proper guide on how they are different so when you decide to publish your novel, choosing the path will be easier. So let’s get into it.

What is the difference between hybrid publishing and vanity publishing?

Hybrid Publishing

A hybrid publishing is said to be anything that is not self-publishing or traditional publishing. It is, however, getting more popular than the self and traditional publishing these days.

There are various other terms used for Hybrid publishing, such as entrepreneurial publishing, author-assisted publishing, partnership publishing, co-publishing as well as independent publishing.

However, you need to keep in mind that many writers, as well as publishers, choose not to use the other terms as they prefer sticking with hybrid publishing only.

It is also worth mentioning that many people claim that hybrid publishing is just the same as vanity publishing. This is mainly because the author pays for all or maybe just some of the services. They do this in return for an exchange for greater royalty rates.

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Vanity Publishing

Vanity publishing or also known as a vanity press, is different from hybrid publishing. This is because they are well known as an author focused target market.

This is their way of generating income. Since they are unaffected by quality, they offer to print a book with minimal consideration for its quality.

Keep in mind that sometimes they approach authors by themselves, or in most cases, authors reach out to them, and there is no agent involved in this type of publishing.

It is said that each press is unique. However, they might print the book, even lease or retain the rights but keep in mind that in this case as well, the author is the one paying for all the services.

To add on, the author gets to keep all sales or maybe a portion of them. Other than that, the author also handles all of the marketing and editing; however, the press can choose to pay for those tasks.

Which type of publishing should you choose?

Both of them are great approaches when it comes to publishing your novel or book. However, in most cases, many people say that vanity publishing can be a dangerous approach, especially for new writers.

Other than that, there are various pros and cons linked to both hybrid publishing as well as vanity publishing. If you read them very carefully and understand them, then you might be able to make an accurate decision.

Here I will be listing down the advantages and disadvantages of hybrid and vanity publishing to continue reading.

Hybrid publishing pros and cons

•      Pros:

1.     There is no requirement for a literary agent.

2.     You can easily get the best and high-quality proofreading, editing as well as designs.

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3.     You will be able to get a genuine publisher.

4.     You can also get marketing assistance.

5.     Compared to a typical publisher, the royalty rates can be significantly higher.

6.     You can easily win prestigious book awards.

•      Cons

1.     It can be challenging to identify the difference between genuine hybrid publishers and vanity publishers.

2.     It might be difficult for reputable companies to enter the market.

3.     Upfront costs are usually too high.

4.     The author has to do a lot of marketing.

5.     You might not see any physical retailer selling your book.

Vanity publishing pros and cons

•      Pros:

1.     Undiscerning readers might believe you’re published by a traditional publisher.

2.     You can easily get help with designs, editing as well as proofreading.

3.     Publishers can reach you easily because there is a very low barrier to entry.

•      Cons:

1.     If you want your book or novel to be published, you will have to pay for it to the publisher.

2.     You might end up getting low-quality proofreading, marketing, designs as well as editing.

3.     They might behave unethically and try to be like traditional publishers.

4.     Physical retailers might not accept your book in their stores.

5.     You might not receive any awards.

6.     They won’t and don’t care about marketing your book as they make most of their money from authors, not from readers.

7.     They sometimes hold all the rights to your book, even the ones that are going to be published in the future.

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What qualities must a trustworthy publishing company have?

Searching for a reputable publishing company can be quite challenging as there are various scammers out in the market. When you are looking for a trustworthy publisher, the first thing you need to make sure of is that the authors they have worked with previously have received prestigious awards as well as various other forms of acknowledgments.

Other than that, you also want to make sure that the books their authors have published received proper media attention and coverage as well as in the magazines. To add on, it is said that a sign of a reputable publisher is that what they publish is carefully curated by them. If they do that, then you must know that they are highly trustworthy and take what they publish extremely seriously.

Another great sign of a trustworthy publishing company is that when you go to them, they do not ask you to pay for it. It is said that if you are paying the publisher for your book, they are not acknowledged as traditional publishers. And lastly, they also do not ask for a certain quantity of books to be sold to qualify. 


Well, there you have it; I hope this article has helped you understand the difference between hybrid publishing as well as vanity publishing. 

Do keep in mind that when it is done right, publishing your books can be a great experience for writers. It allows authors to publish their books so readers of all kinds can enjoy them. 

Plus, if the book is a success, authors can also get more recognition as well as prestigious awards.